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5 Yoga Exercises To Cure Enlarged Prostate Problem 5個瑜伽練習來治療前列腺問題 ...

熱度 4已有 785 次閱讀2018-7-14 20:30

Yoga is the essence of good health. It helps cure many ailments. If one uses the yoga asanas in the proper way, you can get relief from pain and improve your health. Here, we see the yoga asanas to cure and give relief for an enlarged prostate. The prostate is in front of the rectum under the bladder. We use yoga asanas that stimulate that region.

Enlarged Prostate treatment by yoga at home (BPH)
Boat Pose (Naukasana)

Boat Pose

Benefits: Stimulates kidneys, prostate glands, intestine and thyroid. Strengthens abdominal muscles, improves balance and digestion. Stretches hamstrings, adds strength to hip flexors and spine.

Method: Begin from a seated position on the floor mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Draw your legs up by bending the knee.

Raise your hands out in front such that it faces the wall in front of you. Raise your legs up, and bring your torso forward to balance the weight. Your legs should remain pointed up at an angle of forty-five degrees from the floor.

Engage your abdominal muscles, expand your chest, and drop your shoulders away from your ears. Lengthen the shin bone but do not lock the calf muscles. Keep your back long.

Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds. Come back to sitting position. Wait for 10 seconds. Repeat the cycle 2-3 times. To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can keep your shin parallel to the floor.

Avoid if you have migraine or low blood pressure. Also, avoid if you have asthma or heart problems, and during pregnancy.

Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana or Cobbler Pose )

Baddha Konasana

Benefits: Stimulates the heart, prostate glands, ovaries, and abdominal organs. It enhances the blood circulation, working of the bladder, and the kidneys. Relieves anxiety and mild depression.

Method: Begin in sitting position with the legs in front of you. Pull your legs together with your hands so that the heels of the feet touch each other. Engage the Mula Bandha, this is the root lock and helpful for improving your sexual health.

To engage your root lock, imagine that you are trying to stop urine flow, squeeze and release, squeeze and release. Now, tighten your sphincter muscle as if you are trying to stop passing motion. Do not do it while passing urine or motion. Now, squeeze and lift the muscle together. This is your pelvic floor muscle. Lock this for better engagement during the exercise.

Keep your spine erect and lift and drop them your knees like the wings of a butterfly. Inhale and make your tailbone long. Relax your thigh bone to the floor and the knee will drop. Hold the pose for 10 seconds and then come to sitting position. Do this 2-3 times.

Avoid if you have groin or knee injury.

Reclining Hand-to-Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

Supta Padangusthasana

Benefits: Strengthens the leg and ankle. Enhances the functioning of the abdominal organs including the prostate gland.

Method: Begin in supine position on the floor mat. Rest your head on the floor and use a folded blanket if it does not rest fully. As you exhale, bend the right knee and lift the right leg up in the air. Pass a strap over the right heel and catch the ends with the hands.

Press the heel to the ceiling fully and walk the hands up the strap until your elbows get involved. Widen your collarbone by opening the chest. Press the shoulder blades into the floor.

Engage your Mula bandha and lengthen your leg and tailbone. You can increase the intensity by turning the right knee and foot to the right.

Stay in the pose for 1 minute at least. Repeat for the other leg. Do at least 2-3 repeats.

Avoid if you have a leg or lower back injury.

Supported Shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)


BenefitsCalms the brain and reduces fatigue.

Method: Start from the supine position on the floor mat. You may need a couple of folded blankets for this exercise. This is to support your shoulders as you do the vertical stand.

Curl your back and torso away from the floor and raise your leg. Press the palms of your hands on the floor to give you the boost to push your legs up. Support your hips with your hands once the hips leave the floor.

Your body weight will come on your elbows and those folded blankets will help you feel comfortable. Lengthen your tailbone and shin bone, keep your spine supple. Draw your pelvis in and make the core strong by engaging the Mula bandha.

Come back to supine position on the floor by lowering your leg. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Avoid if neck injuries, diarrhea, high blood pressure, or headache.

Hero Pose (Virasana)

Boat Pose

Benefits: Stretches the thighs and hips, feet and ankle, improves circulation, improves digestion and relieves gas. It enhances working of the prostate gland.

Method: Start from the kneeling position, use a folded blanket if needed to cushion your knees. Touch the inside of the knees together and widen your feet by moving them apart. Keep them slightly wider than your hips. Keep the tops of the feet flat on the floor.

As you exhale, move your body back to sit on your haunches. Sit on both your sit bones so the weight of your body is evenly supported. If your buttocks do not rest comfortably use a cushion or folded blanket to support them. Lay your hands in your lap, one in another.

Lengthen your tailbone to the floor. Widen the collarbones and release shoulder blades away from the ears. Keep the spine erect but supple. Stay in this pose for 1 minute. Press your hand on the floor, lift your buttock, and come out of the pose.

Avoid if have heart problems, knee or ankle injury.

Yoga is a part of the strategy for healthy living. Practice Yoga asanas for Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Natural Treatment daily and concentrate on the ones that give you the benefit you need for the day.






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